Useual words
To Rob: تعني يسرق و تستخدم في الجملة للتعبير عن الشيء الدي تمت سرقته
To Steal:تشير الى الشخص أو الهيئة صاحب الشيء المسروق
Someone has stolen my money and my watch.
Someone robbed the bank last night.
Her contract is stolen.
Someone robbed the car in the park.
The sheep in the farmer was robbed.
To Earn: تعني أن الشخص يحصل على عائد أو مردود مادي نتيجة لعمل يقوم به
To Win:تعني عائد او مكسب يحصل عليه الشخص كجائزة او فوز في مباراة
He earns his living by hard work.
He will surely win the prize in the next competition.
There is no winner between Milan and Barcelona.
Barcelona was the winner in the last season of champion’s league.
To do: يشير الى انجاز عمل او بدل جهد معين او اشياء غير محسوسة
To make: تسنخدم للتعبير عن اشياء حسية او تضييع تلك الاشياء
You must do your work carefully.
I will do my best.
Do your job I’ll do mine.
He did me a favour.
The carpenter made a large table.
You have to do your homework.
To make a mistake.
To make a promises.
Make some noise.
To Close: بمعنى يغلق او يقفل
To Shut: بمعنى يغلق او يقفل
They close the street for repair.
Salim closed his bank account.
She closed the letter with words of thanks.
To Speak:بمعنى يتحدث ولكن يميل الى جانب الالقاء دون ان يتوقع المتحدث اي رد من جانب المستمعين
To Talk:يشير الى وجود حوار متبادل
The pupils were talking while the teacher was speaking.
You have to listen when I am talking to you.
Empty: تعني فارغ وتقترن عادة بالمجسمات الصغيرة كالزجاجة او علبة ...
Vacant:تعني الفراغ في الحيازة و الاستغلال
an empty bottle.
A vacant erea.
Vacant apartment.
· Sayings and proverbs :
1- Adress people in the language they can understand.
2- Always has been; always will be.
3- One man’s death is one man’s breath.